Bedford County, Pennsylvania’s Indian War in November of 1777

While we prepare for Thanksgiving, now only a week away, we should remember that on November 27, 1777, our country was on the brink of annihilation, threatened by both the British troops and the native attacks on the frontier. Bedford County, Pennsylvania, suffered greatly during this period, as is evidenced from their letters to the President of Pennsylvania, Thomas Wharton (PA Archives, Ser. 1, Vol. 6, 39-40).

PA Archives Ser 1 Vol 6 Page 39

PA Archives Ser 1 Vol 6 Page 40

The irony that we celebrate Thanksgiving with the mindset of native and settler togetherness is not lost on me.

2 responses to “Bedford County, Pennsylvania’s Indian War in November of 1777

  1. Very informative & Interesting.
    My 5th GGF, Swiss born Abraham “Keble” Cable, Esq., served as a Sub-Lieutenant for Bedford County in 1777. He personally knew both authors of this letter, and quite well, based upon the many historical documents that I’ve researched. It is hard for people today to even imagine the hardship & privation that these brave men endured. It’s due to postings such as yours, which helps to shine the light of knowledge, so that we never forget…..Bruce Cable

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