American Propaganda (Fictional) Accounts of the Battles of Lexington and Concord

Continuing on with a series of primary sources dealing with the battles of Lexington and Concord as we approach the anniversary, here are a few fictitious accounts of the battles laid out in the Pennsylvania Gazette. I say these are fictional as they portray accounts that conflict eyewitness testimony of the events and make the British out to be the primary aggressors (which contradicts actual evidence that militiamen and armed mobs of American colonists instigated the battles). Later this week, I will run some more eyewitness accounts of the conflict which the keen reader will aptly be able to point out the flaws in these mythical letters. They certainly had their desired affect, arousing the spirit of the war.

Here you go…

PA Gazette 17 May 1775

Pennsylvania Gazette 17 May 1775

PA Gazette 1 May 1775

Pennsylvania Gazette 1 May 1775

PA Gazette 26 April 1775

Pennsylvania Gazette 26 April 1775

PA Gazette 26 April 1775

Pennsylvania Gazette 26 April 1775

PA Gazette 26 April 1775

Pennsylvania Gazette 26 April 1775

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